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Movie Review:Gifted

Updated: May 13, 2019

This is a really interesting movie, a great movie.

In a small town,a little girl Mary Adler, showed her outstanding mathematical talent on her first day of school, leaving her teacher, Bonnie Stevenson, behind. deep impression. Because of Mary's gifted talent, she received a scholarship for her to attend a private school specializing in gifted children, but was categorically rejected by Frank Adler, the guardian. Because his family had a similar experience, he was afraid that Mary could not have a "normal" childhood. Frank's sister, Mary's mother, Diane Adler, is a promising mathematician who worked to solve the existence and smoothness of Navier-Stokes before she committed suicide (to date One of the Millennium Challenge Awards that has not yet been cracked), Diane killed himself when Mary was six months old. Since then, Diane’s younger brother, Frank, has become Mary’s guardian.

One day, Frank's alienated mother, Mary's grandmother Evelyn Adler, sought the custody of Mary from the Florida court and asked Mary to move to Massachusetts because she thought Mary was "100 million." The one-of-a-kind child prodigy has the opportunity to stay in the history of the youth, and should receive special education to prepare for life. However, Frank insisted that his sister wanted Mary to attend a regular formal school and had a "normal" childhood life that Diane had never had. Fearing that the judge's decision would completely deprive him of the right to take care of Mary, the compromise allowed Mary to live in a foster home and accept an agreement to let Mary go to a private school. The foster home is only 25 minutes from Frank's home, and Mary is free to decide where she wants to live after her 12th birthday.

However, after a period of living in a foster home, Mary’s original life was completely destroyed. Frank knew that the cat who had been accompanying Mary to the foster family was arrested at the shelter without warning, and was about to be euthanized by Frank. Frankie found that Evelyn, who is allergic to cats, has lived in Mary's foster home and supervised Mary's teaching. He revealed to Evelyn that in fact, Diane had already proved the problem of Navier-Stokes, but asked Frank to be open only after Evelyn died. Evelyn, who knows all this, sees that Diane has solved the problem but is unwilling to disclose it. Frank then proposed that if Evelyn did not object to his possession of Mary's custody, he would be able to exchange proof of public security, and Evelyn finally agreed reluctantly. At the end of the movie, Mary returned to the public school to live on the "normal" campus, took the university course in the afternoon, and returned to the playground near the public school to play with friends after class.

This movie is really good. When you see the movie, you will find the movie is really good and interesting. you will really like it.

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