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  • Writer's picture陳宛榆 Louise Chen

Movie Review: Harry Potter

Updated: Oct 7, 2018

Have you ever seen a movie called Harry Potter?

Harry Potter is my favorite movie. I love it very much. But my favorite section is the first one it's called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This movie is about a boy he is a wizard. And his friends are wizards too. At the first Harry doesn't know he is a wizard. Until a person call Hagrid tells him. He doesn't believe he is a wizard , he think it is a dream. But it's not a dream, it's real.

Hagrid helps Harry to buy things in Dingon Alley. In the day up to Hogwarts School. Harry Potter's uncle take him to Platform Nine and three-Quarters,but Harry doesn't know where's Platform Nine and three-Quarters. In London Harry meets the Wesley family they kindly told Harry how to go to the nine and three-quarters of the platform, and became a good friends with Ron Wesley. On the way to Hogwarts. Ron told a lot of different thing about Hogwarts School. And they make friends with Hermione Granger.

In the college classification ceremony sorting hat thinks Harry go in to Slytherin will has some achievements, but Harry doesn't want. At last the sorting hat lets Harry go to Gryffindor.

When classes begin Harry finds Snape professors are not pleasing to each other. In flying class, Harry accidentally selected by Mai professors to be the Quidditch's player. He is the youngest player ever, and help Gryffindor win two games.

Harry hate Snape

Harry, Ron, and Hermione want to stop Snape from stealing the Philosopher's Stone. Harry pass a lot of level. Finally, he passed the last level. He is happy he can stop Snape from stealing the Philosopher's Stone, but Harry is very surprised that is not Snape it's Quirrell. And Lord Voldemort is there too. At last Harry Potter grab the Philosopher's Stone. That Lord Voldemort can't live forever. Dumbledore destroy the Philosopher's Stone, that no one can take it.

Lord Voldermort is not a nice wizard

At the end of school year, Gryffindor win the house cup, because of the extra points of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Longbottom. At last Harry, Ron, and Hermione spend together in summer.

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