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  • Writer's picture陳宛榆 Louise Chen

Product Review: Apple Watch

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

Do you know what this is? It is a very good and convenient thing. It is an Apple watch. It is very expensive , but the quality is equal to the value. We can do a lot of things with this watch. I will tell more things about Apple watch in the next paragraph. Do you know Apple watch is very expensive? It cost 8900 to 12900. It is very very expensive , but it is great.

Apple watch is very popular. Almost everyone knows it. It has a lot of features. The accuracy of Apple watch time is very high , the time error never exceeds 50 milliseconds of the global standard time. The Apple watch also has a built-in crystal temperature controlled oscillator , which will not affect the time in extremely cold or extremely hot environments. Precision. In addition to the precise time, I think more people will notice that the surface can be freely replaced. Apple Watch has nearly 20 kinds of basic surfaces, plus various color settings and function matching, can match hundreds of the surface of the species can be freely replaced every day with your mood. As long as you put the Apple Watch on your hand, he will track the amount of activity we have every day. When we haven't been active for nearly an hour, Apple Watch will remind you to take action. When we don't reach the goal, Apple Watch will remind you that it is time to exercise.

If you take a long distance bus , or when you want to take a nap , you are afraid to sleep. You can open the alarm clock. Sometimes when there are some huge numbers that need to be calculated, Apple Watch can also help us. How do we achieve these functions? Yes, the answer is Siri. It is very convenient.

Apple watch has a lot of straps that you can change , if you like blue , you can change it to blue. Apple watch is of course better than my watch. It has a lot of straps you can change , it is not like my watch , only a fixed form , maybe you cannot choose your favorite color straps. I like purple , so when I have an Apple watch , I will change my straps to purple. It will be really great.

After reading my example , do you want an Apple watch? I really want one , but I have a really good watch now. When I grow up , I will consider to buy one. If you ask me do I need to buy it? I will suggest you to buy it , because it is really great.

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